

Often times I experience people who appear happy on the outside yet display something else in a much more subtle way. One of the skills I acquired during my lifetime is to recognize when what a person is saying does not match what they are not saying. This often comes Read more…

State of mind

I’ve been hearing this phrase for a few years now; mindset, state of mind, money mind, etc… I often wondered what it meant to have a poverty mindset, or abundance mindset. Until recently there seemed to be cloudiness around what I was able to see within myself. For the last Read more…

Head’s Up

“My reality is collapsing”! These were the words I said to myself as I started running this morning. It felt like what I “knew to be reality” was no longer valid. The ground I was running on was not the same, the view of my neighborhood was different, my stride Read more…



How you do anything is how you do everything When you think about it, everything you experience is a relationship. Your relationship with your work, life, lover, friends, yourself, your pets, your finances, home, etc.  In fact, I can’t think of anything in life that is not in relationship with Read more…


Paw Prints

The other day I saw a neighborhood cat sitting on my wife’s car. My wife hates cats, I’m indifferent. Since I grew up with them and can’t have one due to the wife’s cat allergy, I’ve just follow along in the “ugh, cats” attitude. The next day I washed my Read more…


I’ve been noticing this world a-lot more lately; hope.  “I hope this happens” or, “I hope she gets better” or, “I hope things turn around”, “I hope this president _____”, etc… “Hope” vs. “expectation”. The energy of the word “Hope” includes and ingredient of fear, whereas the word “Expect” does not. Read more…